
Monday, June 30, 2008

GAY PRIDE HOLIDAY WEEKEND extended remix (not)

the day was neither as bad as I had expected, nor as good as my more optimistic side had hoped. My workplace has a spot in the March, so it is part of work to march (in exchange for having today off, which I don't - but am going in later). And in a sense that was good, it forced me out there, and there were nice moments, as there always is. But it was tough, for the obvious reasons of being alone this year, and thinking of our first date on Gay Pride of 2005 (is it still "our" if there is no more "we"? - I digress); and then also not to have much "freedom" until later in the day. When you are IN the March, you don't get to see much of it, so not many decent photos (don't ask why the cop butt pic, it just so happened many of them had nice asses, in these seemingly tighter-than-usual trousers this year). And after the work-required part of the day, later, it didn't get any better, (OK, it was worse) - so much for "freedom." For the rest of the day I don't think I actually spoke to another person, or anyone spoke to me, except in commercial terms - "beer, please", and "with cheese? that'll be 6 bucks."

By 8:30pm I was back home, given up. I've had lousy gay pride days before, and I'm sure there will be more. But I remember the good ones, and I just have to remind myself, and accept, that there will be both in the future. ugh. I mean, yeah!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It happens in Key West, Provincetown, and Palm Springs.... but it's called FIRE ISLAND FEVER

Director: Jack Deveau (1979)
Starring: Larry Paige, John Carlo, Garry Hunt, Chris Michaels, Hugh Allen, Matt Harper (aka Will Seagers), David Littler, and Pepe Brazil; plus George, Frank, Johnny, and Juanita.

Can't believe it's been 5 years since I last posted this great clip!

Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it larger size, and FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

which one is the eBay auction?

I thought I had something to say, but i got lost somewhere picking out the pics and deciphering my feelings on this wednesday morning. life and its events just seem to be out of control. and not in any huge totally scarey way, just things seem to keep coming up to interrupt whatever it is I've planned for the day, or even the next few hours. I should be on my way to work - but I screwed up a doctor's appointment which I thought was tomorrow, and it's today. a long overdue check-up, so why does it bother me? cuz i wasn't mentally prepared for it, and was getting anxious and agitated for other reasons, and now I have to get anxious and agitated about my health (and my non-mental health is just fine). Sunday, which is where the cropped pic of me is from, was a good day. and yet it wasn't. there were moments when it was quite fun, like when a buddy agreed to pose in that pic above (not sure he wants his face plastered on the internet, so he's cropped out for only that reason), but there were long stretches of isolation and loneliness while wandering around that crowd on West 28th street. a lot of calming myself with "relax, stay put, dont run away, lonliness and anxiety might just pass and you'd rather be near friends or looking at handsome faces than in your little tiny room staring at a computer screen, right?" sigh. I hate when i make a good argument, and still don't buy it.

Monday, June 23, 2008

birds do it...

I didn't take that many pics yesterday, despite plenty to gawk at, and even wonder nasty thoughts about.... but these are my two faves from the day.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


the photo on the right, I had hesitated adding to my eBay listing, as he's showing some pubes; the pic on the left, well, that's my outfit for Folsom Street East today!

time for a walk

One of the "new things" I try to do as a singleguy is get out of the house early at least one weekend day and go for a walk in the neighborhood with my camera. Usually it's just a walk through Tompkins Square Park taking pictures of flowers. Yesterday, after taking a whole bunch, I wandered down Avenue A towards Key Food, and that little tweeter grabbed my attention, singing away as if life didn't suck, and wasn't full of disappointment, and that there were endless possibilities for the future, and.... while I didn't start whistling along, I did stop to watch and listen to what he had to say.

Friday, June 20, 2008

no linky
no time to post auction, hence no stoopid link to it; but enjoy, nonetheless.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


and p.s. - thanks for the comments on the facial hair, folks!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Monday, June 16, 2008

Galerie Vitruvian Studio

Sunday, June 15, 2008

beard back

i did it. i dont like it, and the reviews havent been so good, either. "dont worry, it'll grow back" before I even offer that i dont care for it.... i've been sorta trying to avoid the personal stuff here; just doesnt feel right to blab about it - most likely cuz I keep thinking that denial might actually make it not true. Anyhoo - you know that old problem we gays have with the anniversary date - is it the day we met, the day we first slept together, the first date? with no clarity on the topic, I have to be sad on June 17th, June 24th, and June 26th. not to mention it was his birthday the other day; so four official sad days in June. Lucky coincidence, i had my shrink that day; but damnit - shrinkee wanted to talk about me, not the ex! whats with that? like i'm supposed to focus on healing myself and not focus on the stuff i cant control; i wanna wallow in selfpity, isnt that what i'm making myself broke for? (is this where i link to the ebayauctions, and y'all can think - oh shit, he cant possibly pay for therapy with that crap?)

well, as my dad used to say, at least I have my sense of humor..... (and this dang stoopid mustache)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

other places to go
I keep forgetting to mention this blog - Unnatural Devotions - perhaps because I worry that you will abandon me and bookmark him as your only source of manpictures, or I am jealous that the guy clearly has no job, as he is constantly posting new stuff, or, as you long-time readers no doubt suspect, I am just lazy and forgetful. But in any case, go visit, tell him I said HEY, and please - PLEASE! - come back ever so often......

Friday, June 13, 2008

birthday blues

not mine -

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I want a cookie

Monday, June 09, 2008

his feet

i didn't used to be into them, and I'm not now, generally speaking; but....

Sunday, June 08, 2008

ain't i a idiot

hours after posting the previous, er, post, I'm online looking something up on GOOGLE about After Dark magazine and photographer Ken Duncan, and realize I've been spelling his name wrong! It's KENN DUNCAN ferchrissakes! So I dunnowhothatotherguy I linked to is, but here's some info on Kenn Duncan, who, by the way, passed way in the mid 80's; sigh. The good news is now that I've done some actual research (doncha hate those wiklopedia links everyone uses - so tiresome... I digress), I see that there's gonna be an exhibition of Kenn Duncan's work this summer!


One of the many frustrating things about selling crap on eBay is sometimes, while preparing scans, photos, item descriptions, you realize an item isn't in such good shape. The skimpy blue speedo that has stains on it; the video with tracking issues, the magazine with missing pages. AFTER DARK, June 1974 - Peggy Lee cover, 4-page article on Harvey Korman, Paul Newman in cowboy outfit, the usual lovely Ken Duncan photos Kenn Duncan photos, and great vintage ads.... but alas, goddddddammmit - 4 missing pages! oh well, at least y'all get the benefit of this great photo, eh?

Friday, June 06, 2008

morning flower

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


i gave up trying to center these....

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


McBush's ingenious plan tonight was to get on TV before Hillary or Barack got a chance to speak and then PUT US ALL TO SLEEP - and it's working!

...and why is he doing that awful Bush-lite evil laugh?

Monday, June 02, 2008

After Dark beefcake

well, sorta