
Monday, August 16, 2004

Not much of a 'weekend' guy, as I work both Saturday and Sunday, but I have to say that despite screwing up the one thing I planned on enjoying (seeing some out-of-town friends), it was pretty good. Somehow I got mixed up about who would call, or meet where, or whatever, and wound up home til about 1 am on Friday. By then I was ready to bust, and began to dress to head out for a beer. But once two cockrings and a jockstrap encased my crotch, I realized I wasn't heading to a bar. I hadn't been to the local sexclub in 6-7 weeks, having not renewed my membership and sort of challenging my self to hold out as long as possible, as I was getting weary of the routine.

I soon saw my twosome pals, who I'd met a long time ago there and think about a lot, but know that there, I need to let them do their thing, and if it happens with them, great; but if not, just make sure I'm not turning away other possibilities. (But we did exchange nice kisses, friendly crotch tugs, and assgrabs) And later the young man in the red clingy underwear seemed to want some time with me, so I returned his cute smile with my own.

Saturday was tough, learning early on that my 11 hour doubleshift was going to turn into a 13-hour day. The highlight of course was finishing Annie Lenox's Corona. But being a good boy, I put the half-drunk beer on ice, as my shift had another 90 minutes to go, and I can't work and have even an ounce of alcohol in me. But once I got my money cashed out, I relaxed, and it tasted good (the rest of the staff gawked, but it also made them giddy with laughter). So I decided I would stay for a large frozen margarita. I plopped myself in one of the window seats with a book, the drink, and watched the rain fall.

Sunday, work, and I kinda sorta knew all day long that I would most likely wind up at the sexclub, and headed there around 11. Very very slow, not many guys, few I had an interest in, and even fewer who had any interest in me. But I didn't get bummed out about it, just tried to enjoy watching, which I do enjoy (live porn!). Then a tall guy appeared, clearly having just arrived, and one of the few with any facial hair, and he had a goatee and thick thick moustache. MMMMMMMmmmmmm. Even if he only lets me watch, I gotta. When I found him, he was already involved, so I stood close by, watching the two men fondle each other's cocks, and each had a left hand on the other's right nipple. Soon it looked mechanical, and it was almost as if both were too polite to stop, waiting for the other to break it off. When that happened, I was too shy to move over, and another guy stood by moutacheman; again with the cock stroking, nipple tugging, and again it looked mechanical. But mustachman pushed his new pal down, onto his huge cock. He pushed his cock in, and his hands down on the guy's head to the sound of gagging. Needless to say my own cock was throbbing and out of my jock. He reached over, cupping my balls. His pal still giving a valiant effort, but gagging sounds were a bit distracting. Mustacheman someone bent over and got a bit of my cock in his mouth as he tugged hard on my balls. OWWWohhhahhhhhh, eeeeeOWWWoh! I can't say I didn't like it, bordering on pain but just enough pleasure to keep the OWWs to a minimum and the mmmmmmmm's registering high. Soon the guy on his knees got bored with not getting enough attention, and me moved along. At this point we stood directly facing each other, I tugged gently at his chinhair, and his mouth moved in for our first sloppy kiss. As I wrapped my hand around his neck, I tugged on this hanky/kerchief thing that was pale in color, but darker than white.