
Monday, September 19, 2005

some books

Two aren't porno, they are written by Joseph Hansen books from his Dave Brandstetter Mystery series - kinda cool, beginning with the 1970 Fadeout, with an openly gay detective. The others are, of course, porno, but a bit different from my usual 70's and 80's offerings.

  • THE SCARLET PANSY is a reprint of a 1933 novel detailing post WWI gay life!
  • Imre is a reprint of a "privately published" novel from 1906, where a British aristocrat pursues, and woo-ha, gets, the Hungarian soldier of his dreams.
  • CHRONICLE OF A SEAMAN LOST - our friends over at Pendulum Books printed this is 1968 - "Tale of the Bizarre Practices of the Korean Court in 1836; From a manuscript Found in an Ancient Oriental Fishing Float"
  • SODOM: the Quintessence of Debauchery - written by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, in - egad - 1684!! Apparently the guy thought the Puritans were, well, just too much, so he wrote what is described as: "The most obscene play ever written. Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, a member of the court of Charles II of the England, had a rep as the most outre sexual deviant of his day. The drama gives us Sodom's king, Bolloxinion, his wife Cuntigratia, , generals, ministers and servants engaging in an impossibly wide series of activities" - Cuntigratia???? Where's my Latin-to-English dictionary when I need it?
Oh yeah, you can see all the stuff I'm selling on my eBay page.