
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Times Square Strip

Director: Jack Deveau (1982). Iowa farm boy Buddy Preston gets job as stripper in New York's Gaiety Theater in Times Square.

Starring: Peter Lopez, Luke, Jack Moore, Buddy Preston, Jerry Overton, Tony West, and Richard Lang (MC); Jason Jacobi, David Dion, Nick Fordham, George Sardi, Plato Pastel, Dale Caesar, Robert Glory. Camerman: Kees Chapman; Editor: Robert Alvarez; Written by: Moose 100 & Dick Bettis; Music from: Prime Cuts - The Double Dance Album.

Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.