Thursday, January 03, 2002

thanks, etc
OK, before i get all mushy about actual people, let me be all crass and mention the stuff I got for Xmas: Simpsons 3-disc first season DVD (huge, fat, long, wet smooches to YOU, you know who you are!!); lots of chocolate from my family (along with cool clothes, gift certificates, and an honest-to-goodness effort to accomodate my NO-mammal/NO-bird eating habits - although my sisters kept teasing me about the BACON FAT content of every dish); new fantastic Russel Wright book from the current show here in NYC; a huge box of old porn magazines (tons of info there, plus some for sale on eBay now, as I type this - hehe); my Mom let me haul off a huge box of my DAD's drawings, spanning form the 50's to just a few years ago, when he died; some cool music cd's (some burned - you know who you are!); UNDERWEAR!!! - jockstraps, boxers, long johns, even some slinky silk longjohns!; home-baked cookies from the West Coast; even my cockring supplier gave me a new design to try out (anyone wanna help?); Jack Wrangler video of Dynamite (not only is it hilarious, but I've whacked off to it about 11 times this week!); calendar with 2 hot, embracing guys with the most lickable sideburns; oh yeah, my TEXAS RANGER badge (but remind me to stop wearing it out to the local bars...); several dirty (and, therefore, much appreciated) Xmas cards; and a whole bunch of other stuff I'll remember as soon as I hit the "publish" button

Maybe it's tacky to single people out (like being tacky has worried me in the past), but these 2 handsome devils - panchesco, and jocko - were really great with encouragement and advise early on in this blogging/website thing, and unlike many of my other crushes, many months later I still want to have their children, no matter how excruciating the labor is (ooh, octuplets would be cool - or was that a Simspons episode?), ...... and of course, my pal from Kansas (the state, not the band) who previewd all my "personal" videos before their general release (well, not exactly general release, but you know what I mean) and who has supplied me with tons of music, "props"for said videos, advice, and odd German-made Kitchen untensils......

and to think my mother used to worry when I was in college that all my pals were female - not to say that all these guys are pals (I can think of a few thinking, "who is this guy?") but still, I read their pages, and in the era of Oprah, that's enough for a relationship - akafrankgreen, andy, drub, chris, beau, hcl, john, jonno, keith, ron, queerscribbles, shadowy duck, dan, casey, sparky, adam - thanks guys for the dirty pics (of yourselves, and your loved ones), good reads, hilarious emails, late night whack-off sessions, cool downloads, instant messages, refreshing insights, arguments, fantastic links, forgiving my unsolicited email advise, giving me much-needed email advise, and a whole crapload more........

of course, i have a few "real life" friends, who don't have pages I can link to, but have put up with my absolute refusal to even look for a job for, OH MY, for 20 months! - by buying me dinners, giving me their old porn, listening to me rant and rave about the horrors of eBay, and feign interest when I talk about bloggers....... and there's my dearest friend, who I jokingly call my "80's boyfriend", who I dated for most of my first 9 years in New York, who has put up with shitloads of crap from me, who I've loved for 18 years, who did the most important thing any boyfriend can do, which is to not heap any expectations of what a boyfriend should be, but to nurture me into being the best version of myself that I could be, even more so in these many years after our break-up, thru this horrible autumn in NYC - (this is the part of the movie where I either change the channel, or get all weepy and can't look directly at the screen) - so I think I'll go now and work on those, um, what are they called? oh yeah, resolutions. Yup, I'll get right on that........