So, I'm very excited to be going to Potty Mouth tonight. I saw Andy's show last fall, in an earlier incarnation, and it was just great. I hadn't yet met him, but had been reading his blog off and on and thought it could be interesting (hell, it was cheap and close by) (Actually, the self-pics on his page got me hot, what with those eyebrows and all, but that's another story) Anyway, the cool thing was that while I had hoped to be entertained, and was certainly in the frame of mine for some laughs, I wound up being thoroughly surprised by the level of intimacy and sensuality portrayed, even in the laugh-out-loud guffawing moments. We've become friends since then, but you can still get my unbiased first impressions of the preformance from that night last November by reading my old post.
If you're local, make a point of going. If you're not, need I remind you that Autumn in New York is the best time to visit, and air fares are cheap (and us men are even cheaper!) So, come to the show, check out Andy's pages, and at the very least, send him a "break a leg" message (that's what they do in showbiz, right?)