Monday, December 23, 2002

So late last night, Eyebrow Man is standing in front of my Christmas tree, wearing nothing but a big red ribbon, as I approach him from behind, slowly taking the ribbon off. Wait! I don't have a Christmas tree! Damn, I keep confusing myself with Jack Wrangler. I was watching Navy Blue last night, a story about two guys in the Navy on a 12-hour leave in NYC. Each is secretly in love with the other, but can't bare to admit it to the other and jeopardise their friendship. They part ways, and Jack is trying to enjoy site-seeing on his own, but loses himself in thought looking at one of the Christmas-decorated windows, imagining a romantic encounter with his buddy, 70's bearded hunk George Payne, complete with disco-theme music, of course. If y'all are good, and send me "please please please" emails, I'll post the better quality Salvation-Army-Santa-picking-up-Payne scene. But meanwhile, enjoy this more sensual scene.


"Wish I didn't have to keep up this pretense. Just tell him how I feel. I wonder what it would be like to make it with him. Ahhh, what a fabulous Christmas present that would be! To make it with him. Christmas present. Christmas present. Christmas present.... "

Director: Francis Ellie (1979)
Starring: Jack Wrangler and George Payne; plus Giuseppe Welsh, Brian Ray, Adam DeHaven, Kurt Mann, Snapper Foster, Derek Thurston, and Anna Freed