Screwed up the porno clip, so I have to redo it, and post it for the morning. Meanwhile, a few random snapshots from the past few weeks biking around the city (well, Lower Manhattan, of course). A teeny tiny bit of what's left of the West Side Piers on the top right - me amongst some mangled pipes that somehow didn't get removed as they are "beautifying" the West Side (actually, I'm looking forward to the new Men's Rooms, disturbingly located near the new kid's playground around 12th st.). Next we have the Spike. Sigh. Yes, it's not only gone, it's not only replaced by an art gallery, but the art gallery has the balls to call itself, yes,
The Spike! I mean, fine, the neighborhood changes, money wins out, blah blah blah, but just a little respect for the past, huh? Ok, now we have a tiny snowperson that someone built on top on the trash containers in front of my building. Cute, eh? And finally, the perfect spot in late April/early May to stand and inhale lilacs. For some reason, if you are actually in the park, standing just North of the bushes, you can't really smell them; but if you relax and lean on the railing on 7th St. about 1/3 block East of Ave A., just South of the bushes, in early morning or late afternoon, it's a wonderful aroma, let me tell you.