Monday, June 13, 2005

traduisez svp
To: fuzzzy@*****.com
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 1:52 PM
Subject: Saw you on

Splendid(e), mais on reste sur sa faim (hangry)! On voudrait bien en voir plus, et beaucoup plus (more, more and more).
Bien à toi (friendly),

I realize I could try to do it myself, but when i typed in "please translate" into BABELFISH, they gave me the "traduisez svp", which, if i remember my high school French at all, "svp" isn't a word, but an abbreviation for "s'il vous plait", n'est-ce pas? But in the unlikely scenario that this is the man of my dreams, I don't want the language barrier to be a barrier to my future happiness, full of hot sex, late morning snugglings, and, well, more hot sex.