Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OK, Ohio, yer up!

Vote, Baby, Vote - Same day registration/voting in Ohio for one week-starts today - "In Columbus, voters wanting to cast ballots as soon as possible on Tuesday morning had set up tents Monday night to wait in line outside the Franklin County Board of Elections." - How cool is that?

And by the way, Double Headed Disco's special Obamarama Saturday night kicked ass! Working the door and taking money from complete strangers was really cool, and we raised over $400 bucks in that first hour alone! (then i went on to drink, and flirt, and drink, and act inappropriate (I swear i didn't know he was yer boyfriend) with all sorts of folks, and drink more, and act appropriate with others - and that room in the back that is not a back room is fun, nonetheless! Democracy rules,man!

Info here - VOTE FOR CHANGE. And you Ohioianians, free oral sex for y'all if you vote early (I'll need photographic evidence)