requests, por favor? or EAT MY BANDWIDTH
I'm sure I've previously (and perhaps too often) mentioned how great my webhosting company, dreamhost is, BUT - they've done it again! Many many months ago they tripled my bandwidth, which was fantastic news since it meant i could post more video clips, more mp3's, and keep them up longer so those of you who inexplicably don't come here everyday can still view/hear them. But now they're rewarding those of us who stay with them, and have added even more bandwidth to my account - an increase of about 40% ferchrissakes! So, while not promising anything, I would like to hear some suggestions, and will try my best to accommodate reasonable requests (depending on bandwidth, technical ability, availability, mood swings, etc.) for upcoming posts. And, some months ago some guy asked for mp3's from the CRUISING soundtrack - if that's you, email me and we'll work something out for ya. Meanwhile, two bjork remixes from one of the CD singles.