all dressed up, and no where to go....

So I finally get permission from the BF to go out and have a beer (or two) with a good friend; but, alas, it wasn't meant to be. I cashed out at work, on the money as usual, park my bike in front of the new BigLugBar, conveniently located two blocks from where I live, and a few steps from where I work, and the doorman/bouncer asks for I.D.
I looked at him perplexed, say I don't have I.D. and am about to challenge his eyesight, when he says - "can't let you in, you don't look a day over 12 to me" - NOT FUNNY. Among the many things men approaching 50 don't like --- dimwits who leave their brains and common sense at home and go to work as bouncers at bars and can't tell the difference between a barely-25-year old and a man approaching 50. So I turned, unlocked the bike, road back to work (the few steps that it was) and called Scott to tell him I won't be coming, they won't let me in. He gets all indignant on the phone, promising to straighten it out. Meanwhile, my coworkers ask why I'm back, I briefly explain that I got carded, and refused admission to this new bar next door, and they all laugh uproariously (all but one is at least a decade younger than me; actually, closer to two decades younger)

I go back, no Scott. A few seconds pass, he walks up the stairs to the street level, and angrily says "let's go." Apparently the manager thought he should rely on the good judgment of his staff, and didn't want to interfere with a doorman who doesn't have a clue. Meanwhile, Scott's mad that they ought to remember I'm someone who supported BigLug from way back, and I just think it's indicative of the stoopid NYC nightlife these days - hire idiot non-thinking bouncers who can't use common sense to figure out if someone is over (way, way over) 21, but may well have temper "issues", or worse.
But, in all seriousness, who needs beer, hairy men, and bad 80's music when you can have this.