"That'll be one beautiful buck, baby."
Director: Joe Gage (1980)
Starring:Roy Garrett, Casey Donovan, Richard Locke, Clay Russell, Clinton Coe, Bud Wallace, John Steele, Richard West, Suzanne Tyson, Bob Shane (non-sex role, alas!) and of course, The Gage Men.
WARNING! DANGER! I can only hope you read the warning! danger! before clicking for the clip. It's from my all-time favorite (porno) film, BUT it involves a chick. To my closest friends who know me as a Kinsey 8, the fact that I can not only watch, but actually enjoy this scene is bewildering. Roy Garrett goes to the local porno shop (in rural Montana in 1982 - willing suspension of disbelief, anyone?) and winds up feeding dollars to Jolene (wonderfully portrayed by Suzanne Tyson, who you no doubt remember form the 1981 classic, Wanda Whips Wall Street, but I digress....) and doing terrible, disgusting, sickening things - meaning he touches "it", she touches her own "it", he even.... oh, I can't even type it... but there's also these two other guys watching, and watching each other. It's not about gaysex, it's about Male Bonding (with a vengeance, as the video box says)
bonus points to whoever can identify the str8 porno on the screen Rory sees before coming upon Jolene's booth.
oh yeah, it's a ten-minute clip, so be patient while downloading
OF COURSE - SELLING this OOP (out-of-print) not yet on DVD, only on VHS version ( on eBay, - auction item #180231015379, ends SUNDAY April 6th.)
Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.