Link and Think is an observance of World AIDS Day in the personal web publishing communities. The project involves hundreds of webloggers, journalers, diarists and other personal website publishers, each linking to resources about HIV/AIDS or publishing personal stories about how the AIDS pandemic has affected them.
I've signed up, and I hope other bloggers, etc., will do the same. I know it can be difficult for some of us to dig deep into our thoughts and come up with something that may be personal, tough, or hard to articulate. But it is one of the few chances we get, together as this "community" of bloggers to unite around one important notion: that our words can make a difference - can touch someone, can affect how others think or act. That we remember our friends who have left this world much too soon, that we want to help the millions who are affected by this disease now, that we care about preventing the spread of it, as well. Add your 2 cents. Click the banner above and participate.