In just seven days...

Well, the weekend brought some good news, and some not-so-good news. Friday I was finally able to nail down a place to stay in Provincetown, and I am really looking forward to it. I was so close to giving up on the idea, but some serious encouragement from some friends made me give it a bit more effort, and I found something I can (sorta) afford. Never having been there, I've wanted for a long time to check it out off season, mid-week, to get a feel for the place, most especially it's natural beauty. I'm looking forward to a good amount of time on a rented bike, and will be taking my "old-fashioned" film camera to take some decent pics (I hope). Some even tell me it's not too late in the year for whale-watching - which would be awesome!
The not-so-good news is that my roommate told me Saturday night that he's leaving - this week! Talk about bad timing. I considered, only briefly, canceling my trip so I could concentrate on the god-awful task of searching for a new roommate. He says he'll be flying back to his home country this Wednesday, but that obviously I can keep his deposit as he gave so little notice. Of course, all spring and summer he was going home for a month, then 3 months, then 2 weeks, then not at all, so I guess I will wait until he's actually gone to believe it. But talk about a pain in the ass! I should really just grow up, get a real job, and try to swing this rent on my own. But that and a subway token....