OK, so maybe we'd met before - maybe 5 years ago, a sexparty (why does Blogger spellcheck think I meant to type "skippered"?) - he was deejaying; but I doubt he remembers that, he was working. Anyhoo, I had written him weeks back about getting some help for a NOMI SONG poster. He was real sweet, offering the one hanging in the window at The COCK, but I'd have to wait, as he'd promised to keep it displayed for awhile. Long story short, I re-contacted him, he said he'd be setting up Sunday afternoon, so I took a short break from work, racing up the road (5 minute break, what a jip!), and he was there, as sweet as could be, immediately trying to take the poster out of the window. I met who I think is his BF, and a co-worker (who I'd met before, friend of an ex, long story, later) - and damn! You know how you hang out in dark clubs, with the red lighting, and murkiness, and everyone looks so hot - was great to see that all three men look even better in daylight (you shoulda seen me on the corner of 12th and A - hmmm, reminds me of a NYT article, but I digress....) talking about old porn, his great music, smoking laws in clubs, and wondering, "do i have time to do these guys?" Naw, just kidding. Why in the hell would I want to blow three hot men, when I am desperately needed in the burrito-pushing business? Get your minds out of the gutter. So, I unlocked my bike (parked in the gutter), poster in hand (the BF went down to the basement and found a fresh, unused one - I was peeing in my pants!) and rode back to work.
The coolest part is, however, that it's not for me. Ever since seeing NOMI SONG I've wanted to get this poster for this pal of mine, someone who, due to my own horrible neglect, I haven't had much contact with in maybe a year's time.... That's another story, which I won't tell here (makes me look bad - cuz i was) - and this isn't a "here's a present, now forgive me" gift. It's more of a "I couldn't help thinking about you all during the movie, and since, and just know this would look so cool in your house, and I just want you to know that even during long stretches of silence, I think of you often."
OK, that was too corny, and too personal - but hell, I'm high on caffeine, and the NOMI REMIX is blasting for the 4th time while typing this.