Gotta hop in the shower and get my ass to work! Another food hangover - what the hell did I eat last night, and why is some of it still in my bed? No time for that now - damn, I hate being rushed!
Friday, May 30, 2003
Now don't go clicky click on the pics; I was trying to do a short clip from a NOVA Film called How I Got The Story with the beautiful Beau Matthews and the fun and hung Michael Christopher, but it isn't quite working. See, I've gotten emails from various folks who say they can't get Windows Media Player to work on their computers, or at least my clips in .wmv file format (goddamn Mac users!). So I was trying to do a much smaller file, and leaving it in .avi format, but even when I shrunk the size of the picture, it's still too large for me to economically upload and host here (not that I'm complaining that I have more than a few dozen readers who come and enjoy the movie clips...). So, I think I will leave the problem til next week. It's just that it's a great, classic example of the Nova style: slo-mo, 2 or 3 viewpoint cumshot on the face, which we all love, right? But even taking out Beau's shot on Michael's face, and just paring it down to Michael shooting on Beau, it's still a teeny tiny frame, taking up 11kb's, and lasting a mere 1 minute, 20 seconds - it would be unconscionable to make the clip smaller or shorter!
In this film, each man cums twice, and in the obligatory "facial" style that Nova is known for - the second time Matthews cums, Mr Christopher's tongue is twirling slo-mo, anxiously awaiting the flood - just wonderful film-making, you know? The two men are also in a scene in Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.'s Pleasure Beach; obviously some good chemistry between these two men, and another great cum shot - I can't remember off the top of my head who was on top of who, but he shot clear across his partner's head!
Thursday, May 29, 2003
every morning i walk towards the edge and throw little things off
It's the old "pic up the guy who smokes who's run out of smokes and is shy about asking, so you do it for him and manage to take both of the men home" trick. Cock. Sometime after 3, I wandered in, the place was packed. As I waited for a bartender to appear, I noticed about 1/2 dozen men I'd "been with" - now that hasn't happened in a long, long while! Two I met in this very same place, and oddly they were talking to each other. Another I seem to see around a lot lately, and not just the usual places like the bars, but the Community Center, some downtown "legitimate" theater, etc. (actually, the night, er, morning I was at his apartment many years ago, while he was in the bathroom, i couldn't help but notice an unemployment check in the amount of 65 dollars, and an open checkbook with deposits of that amount for some time - ouch) big dick, good kisser, mouthwatering ass... Then there's the guy over on the other end of the bar, bearded, from CRUISETOOL. He'd been to my place 2 or 3 times since last August, and he returned my smile from across the bar. Later, near the end of the first beer (at this place, anyway) I found him in one of the dark corners, on a couch, sitting next to some guy. No real acknowledgment, but having had each other's genitals in each other's mouths more than once, I figured I was entitled to something, so I plopped my weary ass beside him.
He was talking, so I tried not to be rude; in fact, I think gently playing with his ear in a way the other guy couldn't see was quite polite of me. Then the other guy got up, probably for the bathroom. Bearded Man already had his hand on my thigh, then turned and we kissed, said a formal hello, kissed again. I asked if he was on a date (he's living with his boyfriend, so I was sorta being a smart-ass) he replied "NO, we just met tonight" (which didn't really answer my question), but he kissed me again, and I sat on his lap, facing him, as we talked and had a few more kisses. Other guy came back, and I returned to my seat besides Bearded Man. Soon I went to get a beer, and got lost, thinking I just can't be so pushy, it's not my style. But when I found myself next to him at the urinals, him oblivious to me, I couldn't help but grab his ass. He neither encouraged nor discouraged it (like so many of us at that hour, wanting "something" if it doesn't take much effort), so I just smiled and walked out, heading to the bar. The music was quite fantastic, actually (Dance This Mess Around mixed with some rocked-out bluesy tune that made the word Arkansas sound so sensuous; a Blondie tune from Plastic Letters, 80's GrandmasterFlash-sounding rap, etc). By 4 am, with the lights in the Cock getting brighter and brighter, and Bearded Man having lost his non-date, he suggested we leave. Outside, I unlocked my trusty bike, and he mentioned needing cigarettes. I looked around, saw that just about everyone out here (20-25 people) were smoking, and just said, "Go ahead, ask someone." He pulled out a dollar, and still hesitated, mumbling something about buying one - I turned to some young blondish guy with the standard chinfuzz, and asked. He came over, we started chatting, the two were really hitting it off, but Chinfuzz suggested we all go somewhere together. Took a long time to get those few blocks to my place, me giving each of them a 1/2 block ride on the bike in an attempt to move things along (as the birds began their songs), but once there, with two nice looking men in my kitchen, it didn't matter much for me. I mean, I was enjoying it, and whether cum, beer, weed, or sleep happened, it felt nice, just hanging out.
Getting them to the next room, the bedroom, music playing, they seemed to dig my selections, and one of them got down to no underwear quickly, then the other (shy, and not sporting a hard-on like the other two, i kept my jock on until one of them insisted I take it off) - the familiar nice cock looked better than I remembered, and the new one was nicer than I had hoped for - nice balls with a big chunk of metal in the head. Sex was ok, in a leisurely, no pressure manner, although I did feel like a 3rd wheel (5th?) several times. But the boys were sensitive to that, pulling me in, grabbing, tugging, licking. We stopped for me to roll a joint, we had another shot of this nasty blue stuff, Hpnotiq, and returned to the slurping and groping. I remember trying to find lube for the boys, and had one of those SafeSex envelopes with condom and lube in it. The boys were attempting a fuck, but neither mentioned the condom, which remained sealed. It was typical 6 a.m. sex, sloppy, more self-jerking than anything else, certainly for the "big moment", and eventually the two of them came, us collapsing in a 3-way snuggle at the foot of the bed.
By 7:30, with all of maybe 20 minutes sleep, I woke up to find I was getting only about 2 square feet of bed, and the other two were entwined, diagonally, giving me no real way to maneuver back in. But somehow I mananged, and fell back asleep.
By 9:30 Bearded Man was awake, searching for belongings slowly, as we laughed at Chinfuzz snoring away, taking up the whole bed. We could not wake him up for anything, so of course I got the camera out. More tittering as I snapped a couple, then I let Bearded Man out the door, returned to bed, with Chinfuzz's feet near my head. I had put a pot of coffee on, but fell asleep within minutes, not waking until well after noon, and grabbed a strong (slighly burnt-flavored) cup of coffee. Chinfuzz woke, I got him water, helped him find clothes, glasses, and other assorted personal belongings. He was shier than he had been the night before, but still as cute, and we did a brief hug at the door, as I grabbed his chin one last time.
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
man o man, if that's not the best picture of Mike Morris I've ever seen! Got a stack of porn in the mail today; 1 Chris Rage video (Sleaze in the old GAGETAPE packaging); 1 Magum Griffin mag featuring Phillip & Michael, plus a young Joe Markum and Jim Wilson; 18 old issues of In Touch magazine, where the ads alone were worth the cost; and finally, a Colt magazine featuring Mike Morris and Paul Storr - beautiful photography and some playful, smiling shots of Morris - yum!
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
"Total White Guy here into the same"
Monday, May 26, 2003
Rainy Monday, sipping coffee, trying to wake up. This pic was sent to me the other day, a reader trying to give me the next best thing to actually getting those bondage shorts I mentioned the other day. (Or maybe, when y'all see how good I look in them, someone will splurge on them for me. ) Last night I was supposed to go out, but just didn't have the energy. A Cheez-Wiz reunion of sorts at The Slide, and a few pals would've been there. But when I got out of work at 11 last night, saw the streets crowded with drunks and tourists and the like, it just didn't seem so appealing. I usually enjoy going out on Sundays, but that's because most of the world is working the next day, and with the Holiday, it wouldn't have had that same feeling. So, I stayed here - the usual TV-channel flipping, and one of my AOL screennames in some chatroom.
Then a pair of "escorts" messaged me. A couple who cleverly replaced each letter "S" in their AOL profile with multiple dollar signs ($$$), and yet gave absolutely no physical description of themselves. Hope they have a day job. When I mentioned I had gotten all of 4 dollars in tips earlier at work, they suddenly stopped messaging me. Noticing I had email in one of my other accounts, I joyously (just like the AOL TV commercials) switched names to see what wonderful messages I'd gotten. Of course, the usual spams - (one of my all-time faces is the one announcing PORN HAS BEEN DISCOVERED ON YOUR HARD DRIVE!!!! - tell me there isn't any porn on my hard drive, and then I might open the email) - plus two requests for "can you name the porn star and tell me which films he's in" emails I get from time to time. One was easy, as it was this guy with a huge cock in one of the earlier Kristen Bjorn videos (it took a bit of searching to get his name and figure out exactly which video, but i got it) The other one eluded me, a very modern-looking series of stills from a video; I was stumped. And of course, while trying to figure these out, I popped into another chatroom. Getting a bit tired, I collapsed on the bed, and grabbed my paperback of Cruising I've been reading, and began to relax. Soon, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the familiar Instant Message box pop up, and I came back to this desk to check it out.
Oooooh, another escort! Actually, not as bad as it sounds (although it does get me thinking, they check out my profile, see I'm in my 40's and think I've got money and no chance of "succeeding" in the chatrooms??? - well, the latter might be true, but certainly not the former!) - this was actually someone who I had sent a friendly email to a long time ago, complimenting him on his looks, and saying something lame like "sure wish I had a few bucks" --- and he sent a nice email back at the time, thanking me for the compliment, and suggesting I save up and get back to him. Apparently, someone had pointed him to my webpage recently, so he just wanted to say HEY, and perhaps had even found the link I had to his page. He teased me about not having saved up like I should have, and I teased him about never posting more pictures like his page has promised for more than a year. Chat chat, chat chat, he moved on to other "business" and I dove back into bed. Reading a bit, but then putting the book down, I actually gave some serious consideration to the idea of paying for "it." Rainy night, cold in my room here, and I realized just how long it had been since someone had spent the night. (not that I could ever afford one of the "bonus packages" of an overnight, but my mind drifted in the direction of "wouldn't it be nice if...") The last time was actually last spring, a whole year ago; and while I've certainly had my share of sex since then, and I have woken up in 2 other men's beds since then, it hasn't happened here, with someone who was both physically yummy to me, and someone I also wanted to talk to. get to know, "see where it goes", etc. Of course, you dont get all that with a whore, but still, the idea of holding a nice warm body, right here, right now, and once you've paid that $$$, they do stay (at least for the time you can afford)... Luckily, sleep got the better of me before more depressing thoughts of loneliness, fears of growing old alone, insecurities of ever finding a "match", blah blah blah.
And today it's dark, and cold, and raining.
Sunday, May 25, 2003
Saturday, May 24, 2003
Friday, May 23, 2003
directed by: Fred Halsted (1980)
Starring: Fred Halsted and Melchor (the scene featured here); plus Rocky Genero (aka Dan Pace), Mike Morris, Dave Daniels, Rex Brandon, Paul Seton, Josh, Johnny Harden, and George Conover.
Produced around the same time as Halsted's A Night At Halsted's, but a much different feel and style to it. From the "easy-listening" soundtrack of original music by Mike Yamoska (vs. the new wave/punk soundtrack of Night), to the natural lighting, and the more joyful playfulness (notice Fred and Melchor smiling during their scene) of the sex that contrasts with the darkness, and "seriousness" of the sexclub setting in Night. And the climax of this scene is a nice touch - Fred pulls out when he cums (as porno films demand, showing the "money shot"), then gently plunges back in for a few more thrusts, with a collapse on Melchor's back - it doesn't have the same meaning today, of course; no riskiness, or daring, then - just an intimacy beyond merely making each other cum, but continuing the connection, the bond, between the two men.
Thursday, May 22, 2003
spankin' the fleet
Bjland [8:48 PM]: gulp!Auto response from FleetWeekBoyInNY [8:48 PM]: No time for Games!! Send yr pics. Ill return if yr cool lookin. Have yr own place. Lookin for average dudes. No NYC drama boyz. I am only here for one week. Bi Coast Guard dude 30yrs 5 8 150 smooth. 8" uc Love to be serviced & sometimes like to spank.
That time of the year again, eh? Does the Coast Guard give these boys laptops? And is that part of the anti-terror budget?
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
The downside of a digital camera is that just when you've pulled out your drawer of jockstraps, briefs, swimgear, etc, select several for some silly pic-taking (and hopefully auction-posting), after one single snap, the rechargeable batteries run out. So, this is the best I could do; now time to recharge. And don't forget your pornclip suggestions.....
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
well, checking my stats, I see I haven't been using much bandwidth in the past 10 days, which means it's time to post a videoclip. So, I am taking suggestions. (While complemented by the fellas who wrote asking for a videoclip of me with jockstrapman below, that HI-8 tape is buried under stacks and stacks of porn, and would be a pain in the ass to convert to .wmv files - but thanks, the ego appreciates it immensely!) But, if you'd like, e-mail me with names of stars, or movies you'd like to see a brief clip of, and that will get my head moving in the direction of posting something by the end of the week. And even if I can't get to your suggestion this week, I will certainly consider it for future postings. Thanks.
If someone would buy these Bondage Leather (chastity? yeah, right!) Shorts for me, I swear I'll get a gym membership, actually go and work out at the gym, and get my beer and icecream gut down to a 30 so I can squeeze into them. Really, I want them sooooooo baaaaaaaaaad!
Monday, May 19, 2003
or music?
It's been a busy past few days with my guest who left a short while ago, and today is a beautiful day, so I need to get back outside for more fresh air......
p.s. did I already post the tune Make Up from the album? I can't believe I actually paid full price for this today, but the Tom Of Finland (or is it Etienne?) flavored cover made me want it NOW. And of course, Matmos will be part of the Björk-estra this summer (with the pair's next album coming out in late September), so that should be fun.
Sunday, May 18, 2003
Saturday, May 17, 2003
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
Just graduated from college the previous Sunday, I arrived in the afternoon. Can't remember if I ventured onto public transportation, or took a cab into Manhattan, but I was soon at my new home on E. 15th St. A pal from college had an NYU apartment that I was gonna sublet for the summer. I had a job lined up (starting on Monday - "uptown" on 28th St), a cheap apartment, and I was 22 years old. She would be leaving town in about 2-3 weeks, so I would have the 3-room walk-thru on my own. She took me down to 11th St for cappuccino at Veniero's, and walking those few blocks, and sitting out and watching everyone in the East Village, I thought I was in heaven.
Within a few weeks, my favorite places were The Bar on 4th and 2nd Ave, and BoyBar (they had just opened, and "dared" to have bright lighting - Does anyone else remember the "style" of wearing 2 different t-shirts together?) on St. Mark's Pl. Somehow I never ventured across the street into the St. Mark's Baths (gone, now it's a KIM's megastore) but I did eventually find my way over to the Jewel Theatre (gone, and currently gutted and ready for NYU dorm rooms, no doubt) on 3rd Ave. It was practically my 2nd home, going a few times a week, for hours and hours of porno movies and cruising around (and I vaguely remember some sex...). I had gotten used to the sound of pigeons cooing in the airshaft, and a co-worker had given me a hi-fi (one step up from a close-and-play), and I started frequenting the racks at Sounds on St. Marks (still there, no vinyl, but plenty of used cd's) for used albums and 12 inches. I remember my boss at the time, apologetically telling me my salary would be $14,500 - seemed like a lot to me then (of course, i wasn't yet paying real NY rent - the sublet was $250/month) - actually, sounds like a lot to me now!
Well, I must say I've never had any serious doubts about my choice to move here from Chicago in these past 20 years; sure, some hard times, and some very sad times - and I have to say, I don't even have that many friends. But somehow, the two ex's, and a couple of other folks are my core; and I've managed to enjoy the solitude that a big overcrowded city affords. I suppose a healthy self-image that's taken most of those 20 years to develop helps, too. I guess too that I am a voyeur; I love to just ride my bike, or sit on a park bench and inhale the smells and sounds and images here.
As an extra bonus, my best "on-line" friend is visiting town starting tonight for the next few days; another midwesterner who spent several years in the 80's living here, and it'll be a gas hanging out together. I think the Anniversary party will be a lot of fun.
Doddler829 [10:32 AM]: 5'10" 170lbs 32"w blonde, blue
hdsm 40 - all amer looks
discreet looking for same
no strings
Doddler829 [10:32 AM]: where in lower eastside?
Doddler829 [10:33 AM]: looking to stop by, get sucked off, then leave...
not much for conversation...
horny clean guy here.
into idea?
Doddler829 [10:34 AM]: ?
Bjland [10:38 AM]: i havent a clue who you are
Doddler829 [10:39 AM]: i'm a guy who's horny and looking for a blowjob.
Doddler829 [10:39 AM]: not looking for friends.
Bjland [10:39 AM]: ok, have fun
Doddler829 [10:40 AM]: will do
(well, at least he's clean)
Tuesday, May 13, 2003

So the other day I'm looking thru the video auctions on Naughtybids, and see a video I'd like to own for a good price, so I bid. Then I click "seller's other auctions" and see he has a bunch of stuff, including Joe Gage's El Paso Wrecking Corp. I check it out. Fairly vague description, and of course I already have a couple copies, including the In-The-Box GAGETAPE version. I emailed the seller to see if he has the older, full-version. He assured me he's had it for years, sent the above scan to me, and of course I got excited. Writing him back, I told him what he has is possibly valuable, so he needs to time the video, and if its about 88 minutes long, it's the nearly-impossible-to-get version. BINGO! Then, thru a series of emails over the weekend, I described what's missing from the currently available version, how he really ought to keep it, or at least close the auction down, and sell it on eBay with a new description including somethng about the missing parts. He seemed pleased, but felt that as he had already listed it on Naughtybids, and folks may have bookmarked it, he'd leave it there, and take his chances. (he did update the description a bit)
Well, needless to say, I don't want to see this going for a mere $6.95, so I've bid on it. But, I have more than one copy, and don't really need it, so I kept my bid fairly low, if someone else wants it. So, what's the big deal with this version, you ask? (Ahem! Haven't you been paying attention all these months/years?).
On the GAGETAPE page you'll see some details, but here goes:
- opening sequence is chopped up, in the current release, you don't know WHY Halsted and Locke are fleeing Kansas City
- Billy's Bar - homophobe scene: Halsted throws a str8 guy who's been mutterring about all the fags in the bar through a window - also chopped and garbled in the current release
- fight scene in El Paso - garbles and chopped up, you'd miss the scene with Halsted fighting with the Wrecking Corp.'s foreman - may seem minor, but what I like about Gage films is that he builds sexual tension in these scenes, letting you see the men in non-sex situations so that you are aching by the time they get down to it
- Mike Morris (father), Jared Benson (son) scene - probably the best-known of the missing parts. It is not, technically, an incest scene, but it is not in the current release (like the other scenes I've described, it's even missing from the DVD version) - Jared Benson is working at the Wrecking Corp, and lures Fred Halsted into this shack. After some chitchat, Fred gets the young man to go down on him. Then, Dad (Mike Morris) walks in, and silently watches from across the room, and whacks off while watching. Fantastic scene, toying with the taboo of incest, while actually utilizing the appeal of voyeurism (dad watching son, son watching dad, fred watching dad watching son, us watching all of them watching each other, you get the idea..) that Gage frequently does so well.
- orgy finale sequence - nothing terribly noticeable, but it is shorter in the current release than the original issue.
Monday, May 12, 2003
Saturday night emailing
From: them To: me 5/10/2003 11:07:00 PMhey buddy whats up tonight?
From: me To: them 5/10/2003 11:13:00 PM
a little horny, a little curious; and you men?
From: them To: me 5/10/2003 11:17:00 PM
we're on the same page...what can we do about it?
From: me To: them 5/10/2003 11:25:00 PM
well, let's see. e 5th here, where are you? ORAL guy here, don't fuck. Maybe you men can show me your cockring collection, or dangle your balls in my face... not a "partier" here - the whole chem thing with strangers doesn't do anything for me (forgive me, i dont remember what you're profile said about that) but a beer is cool - actually - just curious what happens when 2 boyfriends have some stranger over and the 3 get down to their underwear...
From: them To: me 5/10/2003 11:34:00 PM
We can party or not, haven't been drinking beer but whatever a person brings to feel good is cool with us! we like to strip down in front of strangers and enjoy watching and being watched, especially if the stranger directs the scene! if your serious the next step is to talk on the phone to arrange possible hook up.
From: me To:them 5/10/2003 11:41:00 PM
hmmmm, so far, so good; love watching guys suck each other off, so that's a good start! -------- 212-000-0000
trying to catch up on responding to emails from the past few days, but i think i'll skip this one:
"I was wrote more an less three week ago about information chad johnson (i like very much) and gordon grant i need send me pics and richard locke too."
I don't mean to be an a-hole, but with whacking off, avoiding bill collectors, and hunting down the few jock worn items on eBay, i am a very busy man.
Sunday, May 11, 2003
Saturday, May 10, 2003
I think this is a still from a "solo" video I never finished. Probably a test shot, and the HI-8 videtapes are up here somewhere on the shelves, waiting for editing or the garbage can. Saturday night, approaching midnight, a bit restless. Wonder if that couple from the sexsite will call, now that I got up the nerve to suggest they let me come over and watch? They seemed interested, and suggested we talk on the phone first.
Friday, May 09, 2003
MidTRican21 [12:45 AM]: My Basic Pic One low flat rate...Avail now
Bjland [12:46 AM]: flat rate?
MidTRican21 [12:46 AM]: 100
Bjland [12:46 AM]: what the hell is that?
MidTRican21 [12:46 AM]: how it sounds
MidTRican21 [12:46 AM]: if not interested its kewl
Bjland [12:47 AM]: i havent a clue what you are talking about, you must have me confused with someone else
MidTRican21 [12:47 AM]: u lookin for an escort?
Bjland [12:47 AM]: hahaha, funny
MidTRican21 [12:47 AM]: ok sorry to bother you
ItalianBud4UNYC [2:14 AM]: hey
Bjland [2:15 AM]: hey man
ItalianBud4UNYC [2:15 AM]: how's it goin?
ItalianBud4UNYC [2:15 AM]: masc ital here 6'4 210
Bjland [2:15 AM]: doing ok here
ItalianBud4UNYC [2:15 AM]: cool. what u into/ lookin for?
Bjland [2:16 AM]: oral guy here
ItalianBud4UNYC [2:16 AM]: ic
Bjland [2:16 AM]: and you?
ItalianBud4UNYC [2:17 AM]: lots
Thursday, May 08, 2003
I have a feeling at age 65 I'll still be smiling and handing people their burritos, hoping for a few coins in the tip jar.
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
Apparently, a new leather/fetish party begins on the 14th. No, I don't know anything about it; I heard the news from DJ Jeff, who should have a great last set there tonight - yes, it's tacky to ask him details for the new party (and yes, I'll look for flyers or postcards while I'm there tonight to see if there's any news for this leather/fetish thing).
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
"I like this part of town"
director: Joe Gage (1977) - this scene starring Guillermo Ricardo and Lou Davis
You probably already know the plot of El Paso - but just in case, a quick review: Fred Halsted and Richard Locke have been fired from their jobs at Kansas City Trucking Co. (Fred wasn't actually in that film, but the beginning of this film takes place in the office); first they go out drinking (Georgina Spelvin is great as the bar owner; Fred has sex in the basement with a married man as the guy's wife watches, etc), then they hit the road, as Fred knows of a place they can easily get jobs in El Paso - hence the road trip. A few (sex) stops along the way, and as they arrive in El Paso, Locke remarks something to the effect -"you sure we didn't cross right over the boarder?" - which is where this clip picks up, as Fred spots Guillermo walking along, and we get to see Guillermo go to work. Bonus points for whoever can translate what Guillermo says in this clip.
Have I ever mentioned how much i like a nice fuzzy belly? MMMMmmmmmm is all I can say to this one that came in the mail today (alas, the picture, not the man, came in the mail today - more on him later this week) - well, it's not all I can say, and certainly not all I'm thinking ( head on fuzzy belly, clean white sheets, long naps in the afternoon........slurp slurp slurp). Couldn't get to sleep until after 5am this morning, poked my head in a few chatrooms (amazing how many couples are up at 4:45am on a Tuesday looking for a 3rd - like, um, blow each other, shoot a load, and get to sleep, you fuckers - not that I'm jealous; I'm actually allergic to most snortable drugs anyway, so I guess I'll never get one of those "fun" boyfriends. Needed to be in midtown at noon today, but with no sleep, and then no hot water, there was no way I could go (you don't want my skanky still-sick aroma in your office, believe me). So back to bed for awhile, and maybe laundry and a shower before work tonight. Grrrrr. Anyone want the El Paso clip posted before I leave this afternoon, lemme know (I'm sooooooo lonely!)
Monday, May 05, 2003
Guillermo Ricardo (aka Guillermo) seems to have been in only 3 films as far as I can tell. He may or may not be Mexican-American (up until recently I thought Bruno was Italian, turns out he's Cuban, so don't ask me ethnicity questions), but In El Paso he portrays a Mexican gardener with, yup, you guessed it, a big hose. These are his 3 films:
- Full Service - Guillermo and Ed Wiley are two mechanics who let "Mark" pay his bill with sex (part of FalconPac 20, aka TICKET HOME)
- Dark Desires - Guillermo and Dick Fisk - Guillermo's body is shaved and smooth, as the two try all different postions with a stark black background (part of FalconPac 51, aka TRY TO TAKE IT)
- El Paso Wrecking Corp (1977) - In "The Gardener and The Rug Man" scene with Lou Davis (full (& yummy!) reddish-brown beard) Davis complains about not having gotten paid in awhile, and Guillermo, down in the garden, is concentrating more on stroking his own dick as he looks up at Davis who's hanging out the window. Seems to take Davis a long time to catch on that he's being invited down into the garden.
Sunday, May 04, 2003
I want a raise
I want to go home
I want sex
I want a cookie
Saturday, May 03, 2003
Friday, May 02, 2003
I thoroughly enjoyed my day off yesterday, doing basically nothing all day (well, lots of whacking, but that's like saying I had coffee in the morning....), and during a bike ride in the evening, stopped off at one of my occasional haunts, and found this Colt Gallery magazine of MIKE DAVIS (pic at left) buried among a bunch of vintage gay-themed paperbacks (another growing obsession, but I don't have time to go into that now). I won't even tell you how cheap it was (except that I couldn't get onto an NYC subway for the cost!), which made the find even more wonderful. So last night I struggled trying to make a filmography/videography for Mike Davis, and after researching thru my own collection, looking at the Gay Erotic Video Index, the fairly useless COLT website, and TLA Video's listing for Davis, I came up with a modest one (click pic). Most of his work was done for COLT during the latter part of the 70's, "loops" which were later released onto videotape (and more recently DVD), so I've listed the names of the actual films, then when I was able to, the name of the videotapes the films appeared on. Timberwolves pt 2 is worth noting for the rarely-seen Al Parker as bottom (he's such a great cocksucker and rimmer, that I never paid much attention if he was "versatile" fuck-wise). Maybe a teeny tiny clip of that is in order? (Don't hold your breath, it's 75 and sunny out!)
Thursday, May 01, 2003
A few minutes after leaving House of Regrets (and still feeling the sting of this guy's bites) I rode over to The Slide. It was about 3am., but the doors were locked. I was (reasonably) sober, and couldn't figure out why I couldn't get the door open. I started to leave, despite the sound of music coming from inside, and thought - "dammit, I know the DJ!" and went back to first lightly tap (and I could hear someone say - no, don't open it, we're closed") so I banged harder. This worked, once I told the host I was Jeff's pal. Too late for alcohol, apparently (despite the HAPPY HOUR at 2a.m. sign out front), and Jeff was packing to leave, along with 4 of his other friends. But not before he got the chance to play a couple whacky tunes, and I WANT A COOKIE was one of those "ok, it's cute"; "ok, it's kinda fun" then it was all 5 of us boucning and chanting: "I want a raise/I want to go home/I want sex/I want a cookie."
I must have that song!
update: well, I found their website, which has this amusing lil tune - Star Spangled Bologna