grrrrrrrr. And not a good grrrr. I thought I had set the VCR to tape O'Reilly, but when I got home last night, somehow I had forgotten to actually put the tape into the vcr! Stoopid, stoopid stoopid! Then, knowing it repeats at 4 in the morning, I just set up the vcr to record starting at around 3, taking no chances. I woke up just before 5 to see O'Reilley's smug face responding to viewer mail. The show ended, I rewound the tape, and goshdarnit, blank!
As it turns out, Kline did appear, as described briefly in the Topeka Capital-Journal. For any of you folks who've been watching this closely, Kline is a man intent on ignoring the facts and laws involved, and comes out with doosies like this one:
"It is absolutely a remarkable assault on the authority of the family because when your daughter walks out the door and says, 'I'm going to meet my 40-year-old boyfriend' and you try to guide her and parent her, and say, 'No, that's not going to happen' and she holds up an ACLU card and says, 'Call my attorney,' we are living in a different type of America," Kline said.
Remember, the so-called Romeo and Juliet law that is in dispute here only applies to teenagers who consent to have sex with each other, and they must be 14-19; it doesn't apply if either party is younger or older. And the ACLU is fighting for it to apply to same-sex incidents, as the current law only applies to sex-discordant couples. But just two weeks ago, Kline spewed another similar ridiculous mouthful (as quoted in the Dodge City Daily Globe, and other using the AP story):
"I'll tell you what: I would be deeply offended if, when my daughter turns 13, she walks out the door to meet her 30-year-old boyfriend, and I say 'no," and she says, 'I've got a 1-800 number for the ACLU; it's my constitutional right,"' Kline said. "That's their argument. They have to live with it."
Sheeeesh! In mid-Spetember his daughter is dating a 30-year-old, yesterday it was a 40-year old; by the time oral argument comes in this case (alas, maybe not til end of October or sometime in Novemeber), Kline's poor little daughter will be dating a senior citizen!