Looking for COCK
Many many months ago, I posted a velcro cockring offer with the idea that I'd give away my unsellable velcro cockrings to a few guys, and they'd submit a pic or a story about it after they received it. Well, I'm rather unorganized, and their submissions came in far apart. I neglected to store the pics in one particular place, and this morning I was attempting to find them. When I searched for "cock" on my harddrive, I got 306 files found; cockring yielded 87 files, and velcro 46. Of course, I don't even remember if the guys labeled their pics with any of those words. I thought I sent out 5 cockrings, but can only remember that one went to the West Coast, one to the South, and one somehow found its way to Germany. Maybe after some more coffee I can figure this out.