never mind the previous offer/plea - the video shown to the left, plus a quick call to 550-DADDY, took care of my needs.
Meanwhile, nothing like a Good Friday to remind me that there still are a lot of Hispanic Christians on the Lower East Side. I stumbled upon a procession going up Avenue B, about 2 blocks worth of people slowly marching as a sound truck blasted some chanting/singing. One guy near the front had a crown of thorns. But nothing like the one I saw last year in Thompkins Square Park, where they actually went up to the hill where folks usually sunbathe in the summer, and 3 crosses were there, waiting for the 2 crooks and Christ. I got in an argument with an "acquaintance", who seemed to think religion didn't belong out in the open, or some such nonsense. My attempts at some basic first amendment theory and law were met with squeals of anger, so I left, mumbling something about how if it was called "performance art" rather than religion, he'd be in the streets with protest banners wihtout blinking an eye if anyone thought of interferring.