Saturday, April 12, 2003
ok, downing another pair of aspirin before heading off to work. A friend forced me to go with him to see Pottymouth last night, and so the beer drinking began there. An ex-boyfriend who I hadn't seen in over a year was there, quite unexpectantly, but not only commented on how much he liked my beard, but mentioned it more than once (he also saw me on my bike riding past him a week or two previously and says he said as much to the freinds he was with - awwww). Then saw him again at The Bar, where Andy, my pal John, and his pal Juan hung out for more beer after the show. Egads, while there, I realized there were several men I had had sex with, including the artist guy who's balls I took a beard trimmer to while he jerked off - he kept looking over at me, then his watch, then me, then his watch. Still looking good, but I just couldn't make a move with the clock ticking so obviously like that. And I did spend some time chatting with the ex, which was cool, Ok, gotta run.