eBay's getting all weird on me again - cancelled my black swimsuit auction - and as usual, the reason was as vague as can be. So, I emailed, and patiently waited for a response -
"Wording unrelated to the actual swimsuit itself is extraneous and will cause an auction to be ended. In other words, the previous owner of the swimsuit is completely irrelevant and has nothing to do with the suit itself. (note: I mentioned that the previous owner had removed the lining) Furthermore, although your auction was not ended this time for this reason, you will really want to be careful in future listings with regards to the images used." - Like, um, be careful about what? .... oh, showing a woody thru thin nylon material? Why couldn't she just say that, ferchrissakes?!
In other news - well, not news, but it's my bi-monthly apology for being behind in responding to emails. I suddenly remembered that someone asked me something, and he needed to know by the 17th, so his email is somewhere buried before the 17th; I'll dig it and others out tonight while watching TV and cruising online for sex - oh, and to "Jaime" who keeps writing asking how to get into transgender films - sorry, I haven't been in a transgender film since the 70's, all of my connections have died, or retired, sorry I can't help ya.