It's really
hard difficult to photogragh cockrings properly. About a year ago, one of my many difficulties with eBay was that they wouldn't allow me to have a close-up pic - and trying to explain to them that a full-body shot just doesn't show potential customers
how a cockring is used didn't get me anywhere with them (since then, they won't even let me say the word
cockring, which is why I have the unappealing-sounding -and invariably unsuccessful - "penis-ring" auctions - ugh!) Anyway, a few readers expressed interest in getting more info on the varieties I have, so I will try to put together some pics on a separate page. But like this pic here - you can barely see the smaller ring on this 2-ring cockring that goes on the shaft itself, and can't see at all the leather part that goes around the whole package. Grrrrrr, so frustrating.....