hmmm, not sure if something is wrong with my email program, or if there are no people reading this page who know/like Theatre (hint: British, 70's), or if no one wants a free cockring.
The idea last week was whoever guessed the most Theatre Posters in this pic would get a free, NEW, UNUSED leather snap cockring. I swear, it's still in the baggy, untouched, don't be afraid to enter! Or even if you don't want it, or haven't a clue what the posters say, Email Me anyway, just so I can check if the email program is working - but seriously, only ONE ENTRY has come in , with ONE CORRECT guess - so, by Friday, I'm shipping this thing out to someone - why not you?
Meanwhile, today I'm watching porn, and lots of it. I wanna post a bunch of auctions today, and I kinda wanna lay low, after hearing way too many insane theories about yesterday's crash (one guy told me that it must be terrorists, since they knew on this plane, it would be all Dominicans, and they don't have cell phones........ at that point I stopped listening, and turned up the volume on the discman).... it's very sad, and I don't wanna come off like an a-hole, so I won't comment on some of the stuff I'm reading/hearing in various places, we're all entitled to our opinions and reactions, so, mine will be kept to myself. Let me just do the laundry (that red, all-cotton Union Suit I bought on eBay arrived today) - once it's washed, I'm staying put, drinking lots of coffee and having several "private moments" with the help of Lee Ryder in Sticky Business, Al Parker in Timber Wolves, Frank Parker in Biker Pigs From Hell, Jon King in The Best of Jon King and maybe even a "blond" like Leo Ford in The Summer of Scott Noll.